ABW Volunteer Positions
Organize and run the monthly meetings
Recruit officers
Oversee events - delegate/make sure stuff gets done
Management of the coordinator position: check-ins, pay raises, etc
Communicates to parents (emails, concerts, etc.)
2021-2023: Carmen Sinigiani
2019-2020, 2020-2021: Michael Ost
2018-2019: Lisa Mendivil
2016-2017, 2017-2018: Denise Zukowski
Vice President
Support the President with an eye to taking on the role
2021-2022: OPEN
2020-2021: Carmen Sinigiani
2019-2020: Nicole Hardesty
2018-2019: Michael Ost
Maintain ABW bank accounts
Manage income/expenses in QuickBooks
Monthly financial report at the ABW meeting
2021-2022: Mark Allen
2018-2012019-20, 2020-20: Jackie Richmond
Previous: Laura Parish
Take minutes at the monthly meeting
Post and archive minutes
2022-2023: Dave Fichera
2021-2022: Michael Ost
2020-2021: Beth Lewis
2019-2020: Lisa Mendivil, Carmen Sinigiani
2018-2019: Beth Lewis
Previous: Cheryl Wills
Uniform Coordinator​
Fit students for uniforms at the beginning of the school year
Maintain inventory of band uniforms
Perform minor repairs (buttons, hems)
At performances, check that students meet uniform requirements
2021-22: Misty Wolff, Susanne Ruggles, Rina Czapszys, Kiva Barkman
2020-21: OPEN
2018-19, 2019-20: Erin Nathan
2018-2019: Diane Blakeslee, Erin Nathan
2017-2018: Janis Snyder
2016-2017: Kristine Cole, Janis Snyder
6 years: Angela Campbell
Volunteer Coordinator​
Direct parent volunteers at events, like fundraisers, concerts, Fall Festival, etc
Recruit parent volunteers
2021-2022: Scott Barkman (Fall Festival)
Social Media Maven
Regular Facebook posts to generate excitement within the program
Ditto for Instagram
Promote the program on social media to recruit new families
Report on social media reach to the monthly meeting
2021-22: OPEN
2020-21: Carmen Sinigiani
2018-19, 2019-20: Chris Bramham
Keep the website up to date and fresh
Update current fundraisers on the website
Promote the program through “marketing” on the web site
2022-23 Dave Fichera
2021-22: Jackie Richmond
2019-20, 2020-21: Bridget McKenna
Previous: Gerry Blue
Grant Writer
Seek out and apply for grants to support the program
2020-21, 2021-22: OPEN
2018-19, 2019-20: Chris Bramham​
Pie Fundraiser Leader
Gather pie purchase forms
Make the order with Kozlowski Farms
Pick up pies from the vendor
Work the pie pickup station at school for delivery
2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22: Mark Allen
2018-2019: Lisa Mendivil
2016-2017, 2017-2018: Denise Zukowski
Publicize Band and Orchestra events to encourage better attendance and involvement
2020-21, 2021-22: OPEN
2018-19, 2019-20: Chris Bramham​
Fall Festival Chairperson
Plan fundraising event
Recruit a committee to facilitate all functions of the fundraiser
Oversee progress, delegate/make sure stuff gets done
Onsite solving issues that may arise on the day of the event
2021: Carmen Sinigiani
2019: Nicole Hardesty
2018: Lisa Mendivil
2016-2017: Denise Zukowski
Pasta & Music Fundraiser Chairperson
Plan fundraising event
Recruit a committee to facilitate all functions of the fundraiser
Oversee progress, delegate/make sure stuff gets done
Onsite event coordination and problem-solving on the day of the event
2022: OPEN
2020: Michael Ost, Nicole Hardesty
2019: Lisa Mendivil
2018: Denise Zukowski